Wednesday, April 15, 2009


My parents came for a visit, and have just left. I can't explain very well how I feel. I just have so much love for them, and yet I feel angry at myself for not telling them how I feel about them. And then I have this grateful heart feeling because of how much they blessed us by coming.

We had fun with them, just to talk and be close and eat together. My boys hearts and souls have something like batteries... and to have my parents come has really recharged those hearts and souls like nothing else could have.

My mom taught me how to make my own laundry detergent. And I had just been thinking about how expensive laundry detergent was to buy and how I was destined to buy this expensive stuff for the rest of my life. Then my mom comes along and shows me a cheap healthier detergent. How great!

Then my parents brought with them a few things that I had made growing up and just to be reminded of those memories was special.

Thank you so so much mom and dad for coming and blessing us.


  1. You are industrious to make detergent! How cool. I like your kitchen, I wish mine had a bar!

  2. Do you think you could share the detergent recipe? You put it very well when you said that your parents recharged your kids batteries. That is exactly how I feel, only I didn't have the right words for it.

  3. This is Jeff. I also really had a great time with Gina's parents here. They are great in-laws. I wasn't able to be with them as much because of work and calling stuff. Our boys have really bonded with them, especially from staying with them last summer. I thought that may have diminished, but I was wrong! The bond was even stronger from grandma and grandpa coming. It was a great blessing to us to have them (you) come.

  4. That is so awesome that your parents were able to come up and visit. That is so good for the grandkids, and the kids!

  5. Did your plan to surprise the kids pay off?

  6. Oh, i just saw your to-do list. We are battling the moles/voles/shrews too. The only thing that we have found that works is repellent. We got a big bag at a farm store that we sprinkled all over, and it worked. We also found something even more powerful, but more expensive, online that smells like bobcat, coyote, and fox, and scares the pants off of them.

    ps....your blog isn't letting me post under my typepad id.

  7. I emailed that detergent recipe to Jenny, and if my calculations are correct it is half the cost of the cheapest detergents you can buy at the stores.
    Julie, on my settings I have it so anybody can post comments, But I will keep searching for a way to figure out that stuff. AND the boys were very surprised, I loved it, especially cole. I should have taken pictures of that. It paid off.

  8. We can't remember for sure what it was called, something like "mole-be-gone" or "mole-away" or something like that. The more expensive one online was called critter repellant.
