Sunday, March 22, 2009

Angels, and Cole is one too?

I really enjoyed Relief Society at church today. There are so many women in our ward and the room is packed full. (the poor teachers) The lesson was on angels around us, and how we can all be an angel for someone else in their life. The teacher asked for stories we had in our lives, I thought of so many instances of people who were angels to me. Lucille Beecher in my old ward was an angel on a few occasions. She knocked at my door one day after I had just had a baby. I think she was taken back, because the "strong always happy Gina" ended up crying her eyes out to her. I needed her so bad at that time I am ever so grateful. Another is the 2 men who found my 2 year old Ben on the streets of Salt Lake City on Christmas Night and called the police.
ANGELS I tell you. My mother was an angel to me, she just jam packed me full of the love and the kind of love that I needed. I truly would have problems to this day if I had not had the mother I did. Another is a next door neighbor I once had in Grantsville, UT. Her name was Kelley. I will never forget her and her love that she outreached to me. She taught me how to be a neighbor. Another is my Best friend growing up, Michelle. Heavenly Father must have really had pity on me, and sent me an Angel for my child hood friend all growing up. I was so spoiled that I had set the bar pretty high as far as friends go. Then there are the many occasions my life was spared because of my guardian angels. I know an angel turned the wheel that night I got into a car accident that I should have died, if the wheel had been kept straight. My husbands parents have done many angelic items of business. I know they are so guided by the spirit.

Here I am bawling my eyes out. What a reminder today in relief society to remember the hand of the Lord in my life so many times.


  1. This is Jeff.
    Gina has been an angel in my life and to our boys as well. She does all these little things for me without thought of reward. For one little puny example, she made cookies for my "game night" on Friday. She put them on a plate with tin foil on it. I love her for her selflessness, even when I'm in the same room just being lazy.

  2. Remember when I left you at the Anderson's and you walked home alone through the pasture and fell into the canal and somehow Jordan was there and pulled you out? Or when we were making a fort out of cardboard and I got tired of doing all the cutting so I gave you (a 4 or 5-year-old) a sharp knife to finish cutting out the door? You got cut and I ran away to avoid getting in trouble. Nice. You really needed some guardian angels around. Then of course there were the times I was just mean by cutting your bangs on family picture day and then putting the scissors in you hands or when I fed you dried jalepenos. You had a lot against you back then. ha ha
