Monday, March 16, 2009


I am so excited for this cold winter to be gone with. I don't expect it to be hot and sunny, but to not have to walk around the house freezing would just really be nice. Jeff reminded me how I did not like it when it got all hot last summer. I sensed his "humbler" in action. I told him I would take it any day... he didn't believe me.

When the winters get long, I get easily down in the dumps. And today I just remembered a trick that makes the world of a difference. I looked in the mirror and said positive affirmations to myself. I felt a lot better afterward. And I need to remember to do this everyday, until the warmer weather can kick in. You should try this.

Thinking positive about myself just has a domino affect on how I feel about other things around me as well. Let me remind you, that I have gone all winter without doing this, Winter is just about to end and here I am. Spring tends to be a lot like winter too though.

This flower is the only flower in our yard at this time. Everyone else has hundreds of flowers coming up and blooming and we have one, that is obviously there by accident. I love it though, even though I have to squint to see it out the window.


  1. I can just see you squinting now. For my bday, a lady I visit teach came by and brought me some fresh, homemade eggrolls (she is Vietnamese) with an unknown, but yummy filling and she also placed a flower, identical to the one you have, on top. She said it was her first flower of the year and I couldn't believe she plucked it and gave it to me. That is sacrifice. Such a sweet lady.

  2. She probably thinks the world of you, you deserve it because you make everyone feel special.

  3. Gina, I am so glad you have a blog now. I am much better at this kind of thing. Now I can be up to date with the happenings in your life. Pretty flower. At least you have a flower. Many of my neighbors don't even plant flowers. Flowers are my favorite, and if I could, I would plant them all over my yard (in fact, I try).
