Friday, August 6, 2010

Nat and Jason come

This is Peter's fist johny jump up experience! He liked it at first.

Me and my Peteristic Avenue Bar!
Jason and Jacob looking down into this cauldron of water. Right after I took this picture, some guy jumped right into it. It startled me... wondering if he was going to turn into a vegetable from breaking his neck and having to just lay in bed for the rest of his life from having his brain die.
BUT, the guy just swam out of it and did it again.

While nat and jason visited, I found out, once again.. they are perfect for each other.


Cole liked his Jason.

My sisters mean a lot to me. They had a big part in why I am the way I am. But they are not at fault for me being goofy like I am. I would like to think I did choose my brothers and sisters in heaven. I think I am pretty darn good friends with all of them. Even though I haven't seen my brother jordan since May of 2007. I hope to one day see him again and get closer once again.
I was spoiled having each of them as my big brothers and sisters, even though jordan gave me a few dead arms. And emily would make me so mad I would do my "scary person" wanting to hit her but stopping just a quarter of an inch away. They have always respected me, and let me be part of them. Love you


  1. We had no idea that Nat and Jason had gone to visit!
    Great pics!

    ~~What is a Peteristic Avenue Bar?

  2. Peteristic Avenue Bars are so delicious, even to the touch, and to the eye especially!
    Natalie and Jason were taking a little get away in seattle and stopped by on their way. What a fun surprise to me too!

  3. Looks so fun. We miss our Gina and our Brock and our Jordan too. It's not the same. And yes you do look like sisters. The same eyes for sure. I never noticed that. Now I want to go visit all my sibs!
