Friday, January 28, 2011

Cole had a Birthday and other tidbits

Cole turned 4 years old on January third. He has an obsession with teddy bears. So this is the third year in a row we had a bear cake for him. Except this year we had it be a polar bear.

We had a teddy bear picnic birthday party for some little friends to come.

We raked our front yard, we had raked it in november, but our neighbor has a tree that doesn't loose it's leaves until january.
It sure feels good to get out and do some work after being cooped up. I had worked so hard I was shaking after I fed peter (after working in the yard). That makes me sound pathetic.

This is at Jeff's school library. During chess club.

The blockade we put up for peter to not climb the stairs...


  1. Thank you for another fun post! Cole is OUR teddy bear. Peter is such a goer. Jakie looks so handsome in his suit. Ben is very happy and contented as usual. What a neat little family-I know I always say that, but it is true.

  2. You have cute ideas. I like the teddy bear picnic theme. I can't believe how old Peter is! They look like a handful all those boys together. It will be interesting when they are all teenagers together.
