Monday, January 25, 2010

catch up... practically ketchup

Life at the peanut factory is still in production. We still have 3 silly boys. Good news is that Cole has started excepting baby peter coming into our family. What a relief.
Ben still says the funniest things. And Jacob still keeps creating more and more artistic work.

Cole had his birthday, he turned 3. I was planning on making whatever cake pleased my desires, until Ben put it into Cole's mind that he should have a teddy bear cake. That is all Cole kept talking about... so... that is what I had to do. At least it wasn't a demolition derby bear!

Inspecting his cake, he was pleased

Jakey made Cole this crown, He really went to a lot of work. Cole liked it. But according to jacob's hurt feelings, Cole didn't like it enough.

I have been wanting to take a picture of this tree that is in our front yard. Buds sprouting in January!!!!

And a long time desired project we finally did, paint our bedroom. This is the before picture and then the after pictures. I hope you can tell a difference, or we went to a lot of work for nothing. But I am pretty sure that you can tell a difference. I feel like I sleep in a palace now.


  1. What cute boys you have! Hooray for the new bedroom paint! It looks GREAT!!!

  2. whoo-hoo!
    LOVE IT!!!
    How difficult was it to get the border off? HOpe it was easier than ours.

  3. looks awesome. And you are the best cutesy cake maker. Your kids are sure lucky.

  4. Oooooh! I love the new wall color. Very pretty.
