What has been on my mind? Hmmm. I would have to say figuring out how to make my life simpler. I have been working on our food storage, my scrapbook, and watching the Olympics. I love my family, My sisters and my sister in laws are so good for me. I need them dearly. I wish I did half the things for them that popped into my mind. Yes, I am one of those who thinks of small acts of service, but doesn't do them. Darny! Something I need to work on.
Jeff has been a goody to have around, he is the one goody that I haven't eaten in the house. Good thing. I am in the good old fashion 3rd trimester of pregnancy. And it has been interesting. I hope I can last well. So that is my mixture of random thoughts, and here is an update of our to do to das...
This is where we have spent all of our Thursday nights lately. Pee Wee Wrestling. We just put Ben in it, it is his thing, and he loves it. He is the most pee wee-est out there, but he still loves it.
This is Cole watching...

Ben is the one in the grey shirt.

It was my birthday on ground hog's day as well. And the pouch for my belly is baby peter mind you.

Cole doing cole-like things.

We made a blueberry banana smoothie. The boys loved it. "Smoothie, it does a body good"