I left my husband and boys and traveled to Missouri, Iowa, and Illinois to see my family and be present for my niece Alexa's wedding in the Nauvoo temple. I thought every bit of it was awesome and joyous, except for getting the tick, and having to sit in the seats that wouldn't tip back on the airplane ride home. Boo Hoo.
I got to see my brother Jordan who I haven't seen in 4 years. ANd I got to see my parents, my sister Emily, and my brother brock.
I truelly missed my Jeff and boys, particularly peter who I thought might have an end of the world experience by having his mom leave him... turns out he was happier than he had been in a long time. Interesting. These are my pictures...

My 2 brothers, and my sister

my mom and sister

On my parents property

Covered bridge of Madison county