Monday, August 31, 2009

Sunday lessons

This past Sunday our Bishop was talking about how the church has been trying to make sure the teachers teaching the lessons are teaching well. But the problem now is with the learners (in general). That we are not doing a very good job learning. At the moment I was sitting there, I realized how I fit so well under that category. I don't ever read the lessons before hand. I don't ever study up on the lessons.

... I must end off with reassuring you that I am going to change for the better in that area.


  1. but we do learn when we're teaching too!

  2. Hi G! I'm finally catching up on the blogging I've been absent from for 2 motnhs of busy-ness.
    I love all your posts, espcially your anniversay trip. You guys are such a darling, in love couple!
